High Wycombe’s Multi-Racial Centre hosted a double headed local ‘punk’ night on Friday 20th July 1979. The Xtraverts continued their comeback following an earlier gig at the same venue in April 1979 and a chaotic slot supporting The Lurkers at The Town Hall. Meanwhile, The Ladykillers were also building up a fanbase after enjoying support slots to both XTC and UK Subs at the Town Hall in May and June 1979 respectively.

20th July 1979 – Multi-Racial Centre High Wycombe
enhanced for wycombegigs.co.uk
The line-up of the Xtraverts at the time of this gig is believed have changed slightly from the one that supported The Lurkers at the Town Hall on June 1979, with Nigel Martin (vocals), Steve Westwood (guitar), Mark Chapman (bass) and now Andy Crawford taking over on drums from David Lee.
Elsewhere in the background for The Xtraverts was budding guitarist Glen Spicer. Glen would help tune the guitars for the band and would join the band later in 1979.
I was shocked to hear that Andy Crawford had passed away around the 40th anniversary of this gig and shortly before the time of this post. My condolences to his family and friends and offer this page as small tribute to a drummer who was very much part of the local punk scene back in 1979 and 1980.

Photographer unknown. Picture from The Xtraverts Facebook Group
R.I.P. Andy Crawford
Picture taken from Xtraverts Facebook group – messages can be left there too